2023 Scholarship Deadline is this Thursday at 3PM
Are you a High School Senior or college student? The Chick-fil-A scholarship application is open until Thursday this week. This is a great opportunity to earn some money to help pay for school. Our goal as a team is to get as much scholarship money for our team as possible. We need you to apply!
Barrie (Slack: @barrie, Barrie@chick-fil-adeervalley.com) is available to help you with questions as you fill out your application. To apply visit cfa.scholarsapply.org. If you aren't sure about your eligibility reach out to Barrie and ask more questions. You can apply even if you aren't certain about your school plans. But you can't receive a scholarship if you don't apply.
The deadline is Thursday at 3:00 pm so make sure you plan accordingly. Once you've applied, your leadership team gets an opportunity to provide a recommendation for you.